Saturday 18 August 2012

Richards blog entry

Yesterday we saw a man pretending to be a statue he was really funny.

My favourite food is baguettes and cheese, we usually get the baguettes from a boloungerie but sometimes we get them from supermarkets but the bread tastes better if it’s from a boloungerie. We saw the baguette yesterday being made. First they were tying knots in dough then they stopped it and we saw some men picking up Y shaped baguettes and putting them in the oven and then I spotted one pull out a weird machine and he started putting round dough like balls into it but then we had to go.

You get big Atlantic swell in this part of France, at Houat we got loads of big swell the swell made the boat rock vigorously. It’s fun for us when we are at the beach and it’s breaking on top of us especially if you’ve got a life jacket on ‘cause when the wave crashes on top of you then you’ll shoot up, better hold your breath because you’ll be going inside the wave.